Friday, November 26, 2010

Week 12 - Customer Relationship Managment


     Swarovski as any other company values its customers and the information they provide. Part of the online shopping on includes submitting your personal information like name, address, and credit card number. Everyone has a bad experience with unwanted calls from an unknown company, and you keep wondering where they get your personal information from. Swarovski in its privacy policy ensures that they don't share your data with the third party. If you look at the privacy policy of the company on i it says that "We will use personal data which you submit to us through the Website/Online Shop (including in relation to your purchase agreement) only to enable you to make a purchase of our goods, in relation to any purchase agreement you enter into with us, for market research to improve our website and our product range, to keep you informed about our market activities and goods and services, and delegate to a third party the task of carrying out repair, logistical, or other tasks. The data will not be passed on to any other third parties outside the Swarovski group in a manner in which it could be used to identify you without us notifying you and obtaining your prior consent."
    The popularity of e-commerce and customer data selection has alarmed privacy-minded customers. Nobody wants to get "spammed" after registering on a website to make a purchase.  I am an active Swarovski member, and from my personnel experience I only get emails that deal with their product and me. I can tell that the company has a good customer relationship management and how they research the information I have provided. For example,I always get email on a new collection of crystal animals, because I have bought couple of them. So the company knows that specifically that kind of product  does interest me.  Also, I am a frequent buyer at Swarovski thus I am loyal. The loyalty program rewards loyal customers by giving a small free crystal animal after getting a certain amount of points.  They always thank you for my purchases, and tell me that I am important therefore they create a long-term relationship with me. All these is a part of CRM marketing database and the way the company gains profit, revenue and customer satisfaction by focusing on highly defined and precise customer group.

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